Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Who saw Hockney last night?

Well i watched most of the program last night on BBC2, quite interesting i thought, showed a good in sight to Hockney and his work.  Who else watched it and what did you think??


  1. I watched it and was amazed by the sheer size of his paintings. I can only imagine that it feels like you are part of the landscape when standing in front of one and how magical that would be surrounded by those fantastic colours.
    The landscape filmed with eighteen different cameras at different times was really interesting and almost surreal in a way.
    It's amazing to think that David Hockney at the age of 75 has embraced the latest technology to experiment and produce art we can only dream of.
    Think I'll get an IPad for Mothers Day ??

  2. Have to agree that it awas well worth seeing - if only for the fact that at the age of 75 the enthusiasm and drive is very much there! Makes you want to go out and by an i-pad!

  3. I thought that the films of the landscapes were beautiful, the way he showed the ever changing landscape in a way that couldn't of been seen in just one screen and the subtle angle difference on each screen made you feel fully immersed in the landscape.
