Saturday, 25 February 2012

For all you photographers!

Do you like keeping an online journal? Interested in photography? Or do you simply just like looking at pictures? Well look no further! I have the answer to all these interests!

Haha I should really consider going into advertisement! Anyway if you're a big photography fan or even just a blogger i recommend you sign up for Blipfoto My friend who's photography nuts introduced me to this website. You basically upload a picture everyday(or every other day, most blippers set a challenge to do it every day of the year)that has been taken on that exact day. You cannot upload a picture that's been taken on any other day. The idea is that you're recording you're life day by day. Some people upload these amazingly creative pictures, and other people upload random pictures of say....what they had for breakfast. It varies on the person! I'd say 60% of the users use it solely for photographs and the other 40% are hardcore bloggers. The only necessity of this website is you HAVE to upload a picture with every entry...and of that day. It's quite a happy wee friendly community too so people normally always leave feedback for you on the photos :).

Blipfoto even holds events to display some of the pictures in Edinburgh. My mate dragged me along to a few with her and I'd say they are actually quite good! Not that the free refreshments or munches had anything to do with it..... So if you have a chance to go to one of those I'd recommend it. I think they only do to events in Edinburgh anyway so plus points for it being close!

And bla bla bla. Think I've babbled on about blipfoto long enough. If you create an account i hope you have fun and enjoy! :)

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