Saturday, 12 May 2012

Drawing of a Tulip
Time taken: 2 hours (roughly)

I drew this for my Botanics unit. Im planning on designing a calendar with drawings/paintings of flowers,insects and garden birds.
                                                                 What do you think?


  1. was this from a photo? it has a look about it that suggests that it is - did you take the photo? maybe you could have shown that as well so we could compare - it looks a bit 2D to me - it's a good drawing but what do I know - maybe I should try doing drawings from photos.


    1. I took the photograph with my s4000 fujifilm finepix camera. I decided to draw the tulip from a photograph to capture the rain drops before they dissappeared. I dont really recommend drawing from a photograph because it can make your drawings look very 2D, as you pointed out very well. I Think it's a great way to practice though.

      I've added the photograph I took, just as you mentioned. Everytime I compare them, I see things I could improve on.

      Thanks a lot for your comment
